domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

Creating Rubrics to Score Portafolios

5 comentarios:

  1. What a nice comic! I really like it! It was interesting the way you included the topic of portfolios and how to assess them in a reliable way! Also, you use one key point that was given to us in the presentation of this topic! Nice work! :)

  2. Hi Zulma, I think your cartoon explains that portfolios are a great tool that have a little disvantage, in this case the reliability; but at the same time it is clear that we can avoid the lack of reliability creating rubrics and considering the negotiation factor that allows not only to involve the students, but also giving objectivity to this task. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Hello Zulma, I liked that cartoon. It is true that many teachers still don't think of Portfolios as a good option of authentic assessment. Despite it takes a lot of time and effort from both students and teachers, it could make the learning/teaching experience more exciting and interesting.

  4. Hello Zulma, what a beautiful reflection a have got from this cartoon, of course there are a lot of implications around the use of alternative assessment, the time that we spent doing this is more, but the satisfaction of a good work is greater. One of the characteristics of alternative assessment is that offer a high level of washback but a low level of practicality and reliability, so the important thing here is that we can reinforce that lack using some rubrics that permit as to organize better the information.

  5. This is a really cool, complete summary about portfolios! we could use things like this to generate washback effects on our students!
